Rolsch Assetmanagement

"Our method provides insight in risks
and assists in lowering costs"

About Rolsch

For several years Rolsch Assetmanagement has been engaged in the infra-world concerning waste water and drinking water. We specialized in this field because of the relevance on our daily life of collecting waste water and supplying drinking water in combination with the complexity of its maintenance. Over the years our consultancy activities have been expanded to include the development of specialistic assetmanagement software. This software assists our customers in the management of their sewer or drinking water network.



Using our specialized software we are able to apply assetmanagement in a practical way. Based on client specific data the current performance and risks of the assets are investigated. Guided by a desired quality level we determine which assets are to be selected for an effective maintenance plan.



Using advanced algorithms we calculate for each asset a risk based business case. This method allows for an optimal balance between performance and costs. The calculation is done on asset as well as on business level.


Cost reduction

Using our method asset are being replaced based on performance and cost efficiency for the entire network, in contrast to the often used cyclic replacement of assets. Experience shows that up to 30 % reduction of the current budget is achievable without compromising the desired performance of the waste water or drinking water system.

Rolsch Assetmanagement rationalizes maintenance. Using our software your assets are being maintained risk-driven, based on advanced algorithms.

The Team

Our team consists of a broad selection of professionals.

Ronald Laverman

Ronald Laverman


Is maintenance strategist and interested in sustainable business with both the customer and the people that work with us. I think it's important that everyone feels personally involved and responsible in a challenging and complex environment like ours.

Background After my HTS education in Amsterdam I quickly enrolled in the engineering world. It struck me that maintenance of existing equipment was often neglected while the financial consequences to keep systems running was quite large. A solid base for the usefulness and necessity of the rather expensive maintenance activities almost always lacked. At that time decisions based on gut feelings seemed adequate, but very difficult to quantify. In 1999 I was assigned the task to examine and possibly improve the maintenance strategy of one of the largest drinking water companies of the Netherlands (Vitens). This formed the foundation of our current quantifiable maintenance management philosophy.

Private Together with my wife we run a family with three great kids. In the weekends I can be found along the line of sports fields or cycling a firm trip on a mountain bike.

Tel: +31 6 22523762   Email:

Hajo Molegraaf

Hajo Molegraaf

Consultant / Software Engineer

Has studied experimental physics at the University of Groningen, followed by a PhD research on quantum mechanics and high temperature superconductivity. After that he has done research on nanotechnology and magnetism at Yale University, University of Geneva and University of Twente. He has a lot of experience with data analysis and development of mathematical models to describe the measurements. He often developed the necessary software for the analysis himself.

After he came into contact with Ronald he started working on the analysis and modeling of pipe networks, initially part time and later full time. The application of statistical analysis on pipe data and the development of new algorithms for asset management, together with the ability to create a user friendly software tool, has led to a product that gives interesting results.

Tel: +31 6 39494132   Email:

Richard Hinkamp

Richard Hinkamp

Software Engineer

Has been raised on the internet. After I created my first website in 1995 I studied HBO informatica. Then after succesfully running an Internet company for 14 years, I am now responsible for MapKit. Most of the time I am working on the development of new functionality for MapKit. Besides developing I like to discuss with our customers the needs they have, in order to improve the software and have it match as good as possible to their way of working.

Besides my work I spend as much time as possible with my girlfriend, our two children and our dog. In my spare time I like to play basketball, watch TV series or listen to music.

Tel: +31 6 57449490   Email:

Rimmert Ooink

Rimmert Ooink

Software Engineer

I'm a pragmatic developer who is always more interested in the solution than the problem; Software is just a tool, never the goal.
I find pleasure in finding a simple solution for something that seemed like a complex problem.

I have been around as a developer for quite some years now, and I have explored multiple areas of expertise. Each area has its own appeal, but certainly the world of assetmanagement! The is enough for me to discover "within the sewer" and the other areas of expertise we serve.

I am married and have a wonderfull son and daughter. I like to ride my motorcycle and I like to act / play street theater.

Tel: 06 83710771   Email:

Tim van Wageningen

Tim van Wageningen

Software Engineer

I began my career as a mechanical engineer, working in offshore environments, where I gained hands-on experience in complex systems and operations. However, my passion for problem-solving and technology led me to switch careers to programming. After diving into various projects, I discovered my interest in asset management, where I now focus on leveraging my engineering background and programming skills to create innovative solutions.

Outside of work, I am happily married and a proud father of a daughter. In my free time, I enjoy staying active through sports and climbing. As a family, we love to explore and discover new places, constantly seeking new adventures together.


Milko Put

Milko Put

Software Engineer

I'm a young software engineering student, currently diving into the world of web development. While I'm still busy with my HBO Informatica, my work at Rolsch has allowed me to have a look inside the practical side of the field. Every problem I encounter here is an opportunity to grow as a developer.

When I'm not programming or hitting the books, you can find me lifting weights at the gym or socializing with friends at my esports association.


Peter Wonink

Peter Wonink


Is always looking for new ways to further improve existing solutions. Often a solution is found by getting inspiration from adjacent areas. Risk based asset management of drinking water systems was in this way found to be perfectly applicable to sewage systems and pressurized waste water systems. This formed the foundation for the development of Rasmariant-Sewer: An innovative ICT solution that makes asset management for waste water systems practically applicable.

After his studies at TU-Delft Peter has worked for several leading engineering companies in the Netherlands in the field of water system maintenance and water supply chain maintenance, including many years as head of a department.

Peter is in many ways actively connected with developments in his field. As the secretary of NSTT, division pipeline renovation, he promotes trenchless technologies. As a member of the NEN committee wastewater techniques he guards the interests of sewer community and he contributes to the formulation of new standards. For RIONED he regularly provides courses.

Peter is married and has four children.

Tel: +31 6 42622198   Email:

Wei Liu

Wei Liu


Is from China and has the modest and dedicated quality of a traditional Chinese. He is new to the water and sewer management industry but he has a strong passion in this career. He believes that the sewer system is the “conscience” of the city, which provides citizens a sanitary living environment. His career goal is to contribute to the work of maintaining this “conscience” for cities worldwide.

Wei started his relationship with Rolsch from his master thesis project in 2019, in that year he also visited China with Ronald, Hajo and Peter for the water affairs project between the sister cities of JiangSu and Noord Brabant. After his master study of Construction Management and Engineering in UT, he joined Rolsch for the further development of promoting and providing Rolsch services and products to the Chinese cities. Besides that, he also took the role of project leader in the cooperation project between JiangSu and Noord Brabant.

Wei is not yet married. He is very outgoing and has many habits (e.g., basketball, reading and cooking). He believes that a person should be flexible like water, showing the deep and concentration side when being static, whereas acting proactively and progressively when dealing with dynamic situations.

Tel: +31 6 87095367   Email:

Bernard Mwaka

Bernard Mwaka



Simon Zijlstra

Simon Zijlstra


View LinkedIn
Rob van der Velde

Rob van der Velde


View LinkedIn


Software Engineer




Rolsch puts the drinking water or waste water network from your municipality or company under the microscope. Visual CCTV inspections or recorded pipe failures provide information on possible cracks, ground water in pipes, barriers and intruding soil. With Rasmariant, our software program developed by Rolsch, we provide you with more insight in the consequences of problematic pipes. In short: With Rasmariant we make the step from existing data to new information. When does a pipe require renovation in order to guarantee its proper working? And which pipe in your company gives the highest return upon replacement?



According to our customers MapKit is the most user friendly WebGis application currently in existance. Complex technical reports for various assets can be recorded in a simple way via a web interface. The mechanic is always provided with up-to-date information and the maintenance schedular is always informed of the progress.



Software engineer

In your function as developer you work on the development of our (web) applications. You work in a small team and therefore your work is diverse, because you are involved in all aspects of the development. One day you program the data model for your new project, the next week you design the interface for a new module and another day you explain your work to a customer or you drive with a mechanic in his bus to solve a technical problem in the field. There is a lot of freedom; it does not matter when, where or how you work, as long as goals are ultimately reached.

Technologies we work with: Node.js, TypeScript, .NET Core, C++, Preact, webpack, Leaflet.



Rolsch Assetmanagement

Hengelosestraat 581
7521 AG Enschede
+31 6 22 52 37 62 -

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